I am interested in low income countries health care systems. Issues of access, quality health care with the aim of developing a framework to interrogate the existing health systems in Kenya as an example.
In one of our papers atleast we have researched on the problem of extrapolating the properties of provision of medicines (pharmaceutical group homology vector diffeotopy over spacextime under conditions of critical medicine care involving finiteness of life expectancy and spacextime boundaries over patient group homologous closure- using our newly invented Dbranes String Theory Functor Algebra Calculus in Lie Algebras because of non-transitive bounded rationality behavioural patterns (Mallick (1993), Mallick, Hamburger, Mallick (2016, 2017)) on Researchgate and we have found that the properties of the more complete and developed Medicine Markets (Societal provision) can be extended to a Field Theory over Health Care Markets (Societal provision) by making use of the Mathematical Economics Theory of Incomplete Markets and the Physiology or Medicine Theory of Parasitology extended to Critical Care Medicine and Pharmaceutics Knowledge and Functor Algebra Calculus and derive observable results using the Information Law of Demand for Medicines and the Financial Law of Demand for Medicines (Mallick (2014)) originally invented, and using Indian and Chinese data experiments find them to be conformal String perturbation Flows. This Public Health and Medical Physics explanation is a fundamental discovery which can be extended not only to medicine, pharmaceutical, therapeutics and public health engineering but also to say insurance-medicine fields. I hope we are able to answer your question somewhat.
Soumitra K. Mallick
for Sandipan Mallick, Nick Hamburger, Soumitra K. Mallick
Conceptual models are frameworks. Theories derive from conceptual models and are often frameworks at a lesser level of abstraction. Theories are testable and are stated in a positive form.