I made a master degree in many (or multi) valued logic several decades ago, and I cannot say much about this issue now. In any case, you should find a textbook about this topic first, and learn some basic things. At the time when I was dealing with this topic, such a textbook was Nicholas Rescher: Many-valued logic.
Second, I am not sure that many-valued logic (or fuzzy logic; I knew Lotfi Zadeh at that time) can do much more than classical statistics can do. For various reasons (mostly practical), I have not been dealing with this topics for many years, so that this is nearly all I can tell you.
Graham Priest's An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic should be a good starter. Although it carries only one chapter on many-valued logics, you get a feel of the non-classical logical context. Siegfried Gottwald's A Treatise on Many-Valued Logics is a good follow-up. For more mathematical orientation, Petr Hajek's Mathematics of Fuzzy Logics (which of course constitute a subset of many-valued logics) is a good companion. For historical interest, check out Lukasiewicz's pioneering paper (Can't recall which one at the moment, sorry!). For philosophical background, Susan Haack's Deviant Logic (in which many of her observations are not valid anymore) should be of interest.