Our experimental design was a 2 (social value orientation: pro-social, pro-self) * 3 (grade: 4th, 5th, 6th) * 3 (peer comparison: fair distribution, mildly unfair, extremely unfair) repeated measures ANOVA with gender as a covariate, with social value orientation and grade as between-subjects variables and peer comparison as within-subjects variables.
In Gpower,“test family”=F test,Statistical test=Anova: Repeated measures, within-between interaction, Type of power analysis = A priori. Effect size f = 0.25, err prob = 0.05,Power=0.90,Number of groups =6, Number of measurements = 3.
The output shows that total sample size =60. If so, does each group only need 10 people? I am sceptical of the results and look forward to your replies.