To be part of a scientific project in the field of phenotypic and genotypic characterization of resistant bacteria isolated from animal and food products of animal origin. I need such projects that can provide me by material and reagents to do my research. Also, my students can do training period of research in other laboratories to transfer high technology and knowledge to my country Tunisia. Thanks you for your interest.
Are you seeking this support/cooperation for a University in Tunisia, or for your current university in Italy? Do you have contact with any of the regulatory agencies in Tunisia to see if they can help or provide laboratory experiences for your students. I might be able to provide a little help in the future on the phenotypic side, but my support is limited so i can not help much.
Thanks you for your kind response to help me. Now, I am the chief of the laboratory of bacteriological research in the the Tunisian Institute of veterinary research. Therefore, I search for financial support to undertake my research in my laboratory in Tunisia. Unfortunately, I have not a budget for research, for along time I bay some products by my money, but now I cannot, life become hard with this crisis in Tunisia. I cannot accept to cross my hands without working and helping my students to succeed in their life. I would like to be part of an european or american project working on antibiotic resistance. Your help is welcome, at least if you can help me for some chemical products, media, antibiotic discs, Api.., I will be very grateful to you. It is hard for me to write and to say this in public webesite, but I decided to work and do not stop my research and I know that scientific will try to help my laboratory. yours sincerely