You should measure a reference spectrum and to obtain the FTIR spectra as absorbance versus wavenumber. The absorbance is a well known logarithmic function of the intensity.
Most spectrometers have a function in the software that lets you convert T/A and A/T. For any quantitative measurements the spectra should be in Absorbance as this is linear and as stated above %T is a log scale. However a question is why are these measurements required ?
Sir/Dr/Prof Geoffrey Dent, the measurement is required to see the effect of increasing intensity of a functional group (that particular group) to the ability to reduce the voc content in indoor air.
I would question why you think a band below 1500cm-1 is a carbon double bond but without knowing the structure. It appears to be a very low wave number. Similarly why do you think the band lower down is ortho given that there is no evidence of aromatics at higher wave number.
You may plot the relative intensity/transmissions/absorption ... whatever, for the selected feature (say C-O stretch ) as a function of the measurement condition (carbonization temp.)