For my research concerning the role of biases within innovative family companies I need to develop a questionnaire. I'm looking for existing questionnaires related to the topic where I can ground my own questions on. Thank you very much.
Most of the previous research on indicates that family firms as being more conservative, less risk-raking, or reluctant to grow—in sum, as being less entrepreneurial than their non-family counterparts. Similarly, the existing literature often criticizes the lack of innovation in family firms. however, innovation has long been discovered as one of the key drivers to company success. followin fliterature may be useful in developing the construct for the study. Article Innovation in family firms: An empirical analysis linking or...
I would recommend reading the following article for more information:
- Alfredo De Massis, Federico Frattini, Josip Kotlar, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli and Mike Wright (2016) Innovation Through Tradition: Lessons From Innovative Family Businesses and Directions for Future Research, Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 30, No. 1.
The bias questionnaire design strategy for family business innovation has four main sources of innovation ideas: New Knowledge, Customer, Leading User, "Resonance Design". The author then gives the reader a clear idea of what is truly commercially valuable innovation and measures the value of creativity to the enterprise. Once the idea is identified as an opportunity, it must move to the market.
Just be sure that your hypothesis address the "role of biases in innovative family businesses" pointing out the 'role of biases', 'biased behaviors in innovation', 'characteristic and personality issues of family biases', and 'bias operation in a family business'. Hope this helps, good luck with the questionnaire.