I am working in the field of LIBS and my interest is to find out the electron density from the Stark broadened observed line profiles which appear in the emission of a Laser produced plasma plume. We may use Lorentzian function to find out the FWHM. However, we were suggested to use Voigt function, a convolution of Lorentzian and Gaussian, to extract the FWHM and then calculate the electron number density.
. If i deconvoluted the observed profile using voigt fit. I obtained Lorentz wL and Gaussian wG. Where wL is larger than wG.
I will appreciate if any one suggest which relation is more appropriate to be used to calculate the electron number density from the FWHM:
1. FWHM= WL : Lorentzian contribution
2. FWHM= WL - WG :
4. FWHM = 0.5346xWL + SQR( 0.2166xWL2 + WG2)
5 IF WL = WG then What will be the exact FHHM
The relation which connects FWHM with the electron number density is:
Ne= (FWHM/2Ws)x1016 , where ws is the Stark broadening impact parameter.