There is a definition of framing audio signal in an academic tone, along with an equation and explanation:
Framing is the process of dividing an audio signal into a sequence of fixed-length frames. This is done to facilitate the analysis of the signal, such as for compression, noise removal, or speech recognition.
The following equation is used to calculate the frame length:
frame_length = sampling_rate * frame_duration
frame_length is the length of the frame in samples
sampling_rate is the sampling rate of the audio signal in samples per second
frame_duration is the duration of the frame in seconds
The frame duration is typically chosen to be a few milliseconds. This is long enough to capture the important features of the audio signal, but short enough to avoid introducing artifacts due to the sampling process.
The framing process can be thought of as dividing the audio signal into a sequence of overlapping windows. Each window is then analyzed independently. This allows the analysis to be performed more efficiently, as the entire signal does not need to be analyzed at once.
Framing is a fundamental concept in digital audio processing. It is used in a wide variety of applications, including:
Compression: Audio compression algorithms often use framing to divide the signal into smaller segments that can be compressed more efficiently.
Noise removal: Noise removal algorithms often use framing to isolate the noise from the signal.
Speech recognition: Speech recognition systems often use framing to segment the audio into words or phrases.