Try using key words such as "terrorism, international security" and check out the United Nations, responses from Doctor's without borders and there could be referrals within the reports or articles they present. If you are still uncertain, try scheduling an appointment with a librarian.
Routledge handbook on Terrorism(Schmind,2013) ; Also read articles on countering violent extremism or political violence. You can check on Google scholar
Here are few references may useful for your aim, they were taken from an assignment entitled "Fighting Terrorism is a Shared Responsibility of All"
Akhter, F. (2016). Education, Dialogue and Deterrence: Tools to Counter Terrorism. Sociology.
Al-Ghalfi, A. (2017). The Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism: Structure, Mission, and Politics. Journal of Regional Security, 12(2), 157-186.
DeYoung, Karen. (2015). “Saudi Arabia launches ‘Islamic military alliance’ to combat terrorism,” The Washington Post, 15 December. Accessed on 20 May 2019.
Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside terrorism. Columbia University Press.
Kumar, C. R. (2005). Global Responses to Terrorism and National Insecurity: Ensuring Security, Development, and Human Rights. ILSA J. Int'l & Comp. L., 12, 99.
Krueger, A. B., & Maleckova, J. (2002). Education, poverty, political violence and terrorism: is there a causal connection?(No. w9074). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Lentini, P. (2008). Understanding and combating terrorism: Definitions, origins and strategies. Australian Political Studies Association, 43(1), 133-140.
Ressler, S. (2006). Social network analysis as an approach to combat terrorism: Past, present, and future research. Homeland Security Affairs, 2(2).
Wanandi, J. (2002). A global coalition against international terrorism. International Security, 26(4), 184-189.