I have an antibody - antigen couple. I am trying to measure the antibody from PBS solution. So, I immobilize the antigen on Screen Printed Electrode surface, as a capture probe. I use 11-MUA to generate self assambled monolayer on the surface. Followed by immobilization of antigen using EDC/NHS. Later I block the surface with BSA solution and Ethanolamine solution. I take my measurements after blocking. Later after antigen (target analyte) incubation.

However, I get weird DPV graphs the first time (sometimes the second time as well) I do the measurement after blocking (Figure1 and 2). When I repeat the measurement for a second or third time I get a normal graph.

Again after antigen (sample) binding, my initial measurement peaks (1st measurement and sometime 2nd measurement too) are exactly the same with the peaks I got following blocking step. But If I get additional measurement is drops to where it theoretically should be. In fact, if I discard the initial weird measurements (doesn't matter if I use any of the following measurements or average of the following measurements) I get an expected calibration curve.

Can you help me understand why this initial graphs might have happened?

Measurements are done in either 5 or 10 mM Ferrocyanide solution

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