01 January 2015 4 1K Report

I am investigating the role of BMP signalling in hair follicle regression in mouse Hair at University (undergrad) and would be very happy if someone could help me. I diluted 10% Donkey serum in PBS and put 100ul on 10 slides for 20 minutes. I then diluted BMP2 antibody (rabbit polyclonal) in goat serum (20ul- goat serum & 980ul PBS with 4ul of Ab) 1:250 dilution & applied 100ul of this to the 10 slides overnight at 4oC. I came back the next morning & applied 100ul of 5% Diluted BSA in PBS (200ul BSA + 800ul PBS). I left the slides for an hour then mounted them with DAPI. Now I dont understand the concept behind using Donkey serum then diluting the Ab in Goat serum & then using BSA without a secondary Ab. I followed a protocol and it wasnt explained to me. If anyone can explain that would be great. Thankyou 

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