I recommend contacting Colette Sabatier (Professeure de Psychologie du Développement) at Université de Bordeaux. Here, you'll find one of her articles that might be of interest, too:
The IPPA has poor construct validity, but established predictive validity. If you want to measure a personality attachment construct, use an attachment style measure (ASQ). This measure is validated by asking older adolescents and young adults (college students) about attachment and linking the responses to romantic attachment satisfaction in couples with an established dating pattern. The PBI has established predictive validity but no concurrent validity with validated developmental measures.
The only measures that I know of that have established concurrent validity with the Bowlby-Ainsworth developmental constructs with adolescents are (1) the Adult Attachment Interview and (2) the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System, which is now validated for use with individuals 13 years and older.
I developed a brief measure of attachment and it is very easily administered and has good readability. It is based on the four factor model of attachment. It would quickly and easily translate into French. It is available on Researchgate and it is attached. Please contact me if you would like to discuss it. The reference is below.
Bowles, T. (2010). The Brief Attachment Adjective Checklist: A measure of the fourfold definition of the theory of attachment. Journal of Relationships Research, 1, 17–30. DOI 10.1375/jrr.1.1.17.
Bonjour, il y a aussi un entretien (plus long qu'un questionnaire) qui permet de mesurer séparément l'attachement à chaque figure d'attachement (y compris partenaire amoureux éventuellement) qui va paraître prochainement dans Attachment & Human Development et qui est déjà disponible en français dans les annexes du livre Les fondations du lien amoureux (PUF, 2009). Il a été utilisé sur une population adolescente (manuscrit actuellement soumis).
Oui, merci, en effet, j'ai ce livre et ai déjà repéré l'outil :-) Mais il est important pour moi dans cette étude d'utiliser un questionnaire. Contente de savoir que votre outil va paraître dans cette revue!