I need to isolate yeast from the nectar of the flower. Can someone suggest me some flowers and technique for isolating them. Please suggest some me some indigenous flowers found in Tamil Nadu,India.
Flowers I don't know..but technique I know. Just collect the nectar wearing sterile gloves and inoculate in Sabouraud's dextrose agar, Brain Heart Infusion agar and Potato dextrose agar..
you can also try using Sabouraud dextrose broth or Soyabean casein digest broth and incubate at 25 C for 3-5 days then streak on Sabouraud's dextrose agar or Potato dextrose agar, incubate at 25 C for 3-5 days to observe yeast/ fungi growth. Using broth may help mixing of nector as well as good for enrichment.
Dont know much about flower selection. But try random sample collection as well as as Sayan suggested discolored or bad odor flowers.