Its a sensible question anyhow. The main motive of any research would be the scientific use for the human society. Whatever the research you take, it should be be problem of any industry or a government issues which normally belongs to human beings. For example, electricity production from renewable resources, in the future generations, there will be no coal for generating electricity, so we can make cost effective methods for producing electricity. Second You can propose a cheap and eco-friendly method to degrade plastics, in our daily use, atleast we generate nearly 20 to 50 grams of plastics, but it would take nearly 15 million years to degrade. So in this context you can think of your problems and formulate solution. Not only that, you can search so problems in our day today life, there are groups to working on, If you are interested, then you can join hands and work altogether. All the best
Fundamental (basic) sciences establish basic facts and theories. What makes it useful for a society is usually an intermediate following on research layer that is called Applied Research. Both types of research (fundamental and applied) are highly important and useful for the human society; while having some similarities in methodologies, those two types of research have their own functions and hierarchies.
Here below are links to and definitions of basic and applied researches:
Basic research, also called pure research or fundamental research, is scientific research aimed to improve scientific theories for improved understanding or prediction of natural or other phenomena. Applied research, in turn, uses scientific theories to develop technology or techniques to intervene and alter natural or other phenomena.
Research conducted for a specific, often commercial, purpose. That is, applied research is the opposite of research for its own sake. One may conduct applied research on how to make a more efficient light bulb; this would contrast with research on how electricity works in an ideal universe.
The academic research is always useful to the society by way of knowledge creation; a balance is to be maintained in terms of its long term and contemporary use.
The research is supposed to be oriented based on the requirements of the society, particularly in the context of third world. Solving the problem of the society will increase the respect of research to the people.
There are lot of problems related to the basic needs of the society. For instance,
drinking water,
proper sanitary systems,
energy (electricity),
pollution free residential areas (towns or modern villages),
treatment of waste water and recycling
These problems invite research for cost effective solutions. I feel that the first priority for funding research should be given to solve the societal problems.
It's an intersting question. I think applied reaseach is the best for society. Uou find here some links of applied researchs:
Solvent recovery and separation unit (#23761)
Patented in September 2015
This is a new invention patent of a new machine used in several applications:
-Recycling Organic solvents,
-Environmental Protection,
-Water desalination.
New system for liquid pumping (#N°258/2014)
July 2014
A new system for liquid pumping was invented. It uses the energy of gas for liquid pumping. The depth of liquid and the length of pipes are not a problem for liquid pumping. The energy consumed is very low. This system can be used in agriculture and industry. It can replace the usual pumps.
A high new condenser-separator of vapor-air mixture (#259/2014)
July 2014
A new system of condensation and separation of vapor-air mixture. It's an efficient system which can used in
many chemical engineering processes like: oil refining, food and drug production, chemistry, physics, etc.
Thanks alot for the intersting question. I believe that appied research is the best for society. You find here some links of some applied researchs:
Solvent recovery and separation unit (#23761)
Patented in September 2015
This is a new invention patent of a new machine used in several applications:
-Recycling Organic solvents,
-Environmental Protection,
-Water desalination.
New system for liquid pumping (#N°258/2014)
July 2014
A new system for liquid pumping was invented. It uses the energy of gas for liquid pumping. The depth of liquid and the length of pipes are not a problem for liquid pumping. The energy consumed is very low. This system can be used in agriculture and industry. It can replace the usual pumps.
A high new condenser-separator of vapor-air mixture (#259/2014)
July 2014
A new system of condensation and separation of vapor-air mixture. It's an efficient system which can used in
many chemical engineering processes like: oil refining, food and drug production, chemistry, physics, etc.
Thank you so much Prof Len for detail explanation regarding the fundamental and applied research along with the source. It gives important ideas on answering the same question especially to researchers working on basic research who seems to have not contributing significantly to our society.