Compared to the chemical risk assessment process, where hazards are generally identified as a function of an organism's adverse response to a particular mass of a chemical agent (a dose), characterizing the hazards of nanomaterials has been problematic. This is largely due to the many features that may contribute to the toxicity of nanomaterials. For example, an organism's response to a particular nanomaterial may be related to the mass of the administered dose, or it may be related to other factors, including the number of particles, shape, electrical charge, and coating, or a combination of physiochemical characteristics
Dear Dr. Jumma
Toxicity of Nanoparticles
Engineered nanoparticles (NPs) are commercially produced materials having at least one dimension less than 100 nm. Nano-technology has brought a great revolution in the industrial sector. Due to their distinctive physicochemical and electrical properties, nano-sized materials have gained considerable attraction in the field of electronics, biotechnology, and aerospace engineering. In the field of medicine NPs are being employed as a novel delivery system for drugs, proteins, DNA, and monoclonal antibodies. So far, NPs have been prepared from metal and non-metal, polymeric materials and bioceramics. The majority of NPs having medical applications are liposomes, polyethylene glycol, and dendrimers . Humans are exposed to various nano-scale materials since childhood, and the new emerging field of nanotechnology has become another threat to human life. Because of their small size, NPs find their way easily to enter the human body and cross the various biological barriers and may reach the most sensitive organs. Scientists have proposed that NPs of size less than 10 nm act similar to a gas and can enter human tissues easily and may disrupt the cell normal biochemical environment.
Nanomaterials of different substances and their toxicity
NPs of metallic substances
Aluminum oxide
Aluminum-based NPs contribute 20% to all nano-sized chemicals. aluminum-based NPs are being used in many areas such as fuel cells, polymers, paints, coatings, textiles, biomaterials etc .
The aluminum oxide NPs, at concentrations of 10, 50,100, 200, and 400 µg/mL possess no significant toxic effect on viability of mammalian cells. Balasubramanyam et al have reported that aluminum oxide NPs (30-40 nm) possess dose-dependent genotoxic properties. They assessed genotoxicity with comet assay and micronucleus test using rat blood cells. The result of another study using mouse lymphoma cells line also suggest that aluminum oxide NPs (
There are some instructions that should be followed to avoid the risks of dealing with nanomaterials. This depends on the nature of the material used, whether it is powders, melt or other. The following guide gives some of these instructions and guidelines:
Best of luck
Our body is dealing with nanoparticles all the time. See for example:
I assume you're talking about person-made materials as opposed to those naturally in the environment. Small primary sized particles with rapidly agglomerate. Open in IE:
November 3rd, 2015 Adhesion and cohesion
Nov 11th, 2008. Dispersion and nanotechnology
One way of avoiding the risk is not to work with nanomaterials and live in an aseptic bubble.
Proper use of mask and glues are enough for the safety during synthesis.
Thanks for your answer Dr. Alan,Also thanks for your answer Mr. Malik
In spite of many ways to avoid that, but the following are some of them:
From my practical experience:
1. Nanomaterials only in the closed box (glove box) or AT LEAST under fume hood with good ventilation
2. At the end of the day, spraying the room with water or ethanol - afterwards the nanoparticles drop down with solvent droplets, and it can be easily washed off with a paper tissue (keeping in mind proper disposal of those paper tissues!)
3. PPE obligatory!
4. Some people recommend annual MRI as nanomaterials exhibit the bioaccumulation.
this site includes explanations about risks and precautions for working with nanomaterials safely.
I think Professional eye glass, rubber gloves and a mask with filter are enough for safety. Please do remember, that ordinary mask isn't enough.
I laugh when we want to differentiate between any chemical and its physical state. Nanomaterial hysteria started when we begun to manipulate solid substances at the nano-scale. There should not be any more concerns than the ones you should have with any chemical. Please, do not drink it, put onto your skin or your tongue. Fume hood use as you would with any chemical. Safety glasses and lab coat. Enjoy!
In resume, nanomaterials are similar at any chemical subtances used in laboratory and the basic rules may be used in this case.
Could be useful to read universal clasiffication such as Baker Safe Data, GHS . These methods or documents indicate correct handling of chemical compounds.
Dear Dr. Jumaa Salman Chiad, Thank you so much for this interesting question
Very useful and interesting discussion, thanks to all.
Omar J. Yepez is right. Just because nanoparticle solids usually aren't in large enough quantity to visualize on your glove or skin after exposure doesn't mean you should be doing anything different from when you are using any other chemical (regarding PPE). Use the best respiratory filter possible and don't work with any chemical away from the the fume hood along with all the other standard PPE requirements.
Good question for raising the required awareness among the researchers while using nanomaterials.
I recommend the following excellent review by Pelley et al: Review - State of Academic Knowledge on Toxicity and Biological Fate of Quantum Dots: TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 112(2), 276–296 (2009)
I would also recommend this article by Zoroddu et al: Toxicity of Nanoparticles Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 21, 3837-3853
Nowadays more than thousands of different nanoparticles are known, though no well-defined guidelines to evaluate their potential toxicity and to control their exposure are fully provided. The way of entry of nanoparticles together with their specificities such as chemistry, chemical composition, size, shape or morphology, surface charge and area can influence their biological activities and effects. A specific property may give rise to either a safe particle or to a dangerous one. The small size allows nanoparticles to enter the body by crossing several barriers, to pass into the blood stream and lymphatic system from where they can reach organs and tissues and strictly interact with biological structures, thus damaging their normal functions in different ways. This review provides a summary of what is known on the toxicology related to the specificity of nanoparticles, both as technological tools or ambient pollutants. The aim is to highlight their potential hazard and to provide a balanced update on all the important questions and directions that should be focused in the near future.
In my view proper respiratory system and effect of particular type of nano-particle in use ,must be judged well before the use. Proper precaution can prevent harm.
The following links may help
Glass protection box and gloves
You lose some euro's / dollards/ dinars / .. to build a simple glass box with two holes and a gloves pair better than you lose your health. Advice.
Prophet Mohamed said 'Religion is sincerity in advice '. :-)
The general approach for safe handling and control of particulate nanomaterials is similar to that for other types of chemical substances and seeks to: ● identify the hazards and assess the risks; ● identify who or what would be affected; ● decide what precautions are needed; ● prevent or adequately control exposure; ● ensure that control measures are used and maintained; ● monitor the exposure; ● carry out appropriate health surveillance; ● prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies; ● ensure employees are properly informed, trained and supervised.
th link below help
It is a very important nanotechnology instruction for safety using .
I agree with
You can handle it in solutionn form. Also using the safety devices like the mask and gloves
You can do this by following the instructions for working in each specialty, wearing a work shoe, wearing a helmet, protecting your head, wearing work glasses, and so on.
Dear Dr. Jumma
Toxicity of Nanoparticles
Engineered nanoparticles (NPs) are commercially produced materials having at least one dimension less than 100 nm. Nano-technology has brought a great revolution in the industrial sector. Due to their distinctive physicochemical and electrical properties, nano-sized materials have gained considerable attraction in the field of electronics, biotechnology, and aerospace engineering. In the field of medicine NPs are being employed as a novel delivery system for drugs, proteins, DNA, and monoclonal antibodies. So far, NPs have been prepared from metal and non-metal, polymeric materials and bioceramics. The majority of NPs having medical applications are liposomes, polyethylene glycol, and dendrimers . Humans are exposed to various nano-scale materials since childhood, and the new emerging field of nanotechnology has become another threat to human life. Because of their small size, NPs find their way easily to enter the human body and cross the various biological barriers and may reach the most sensitive organs. Scientists have proposed that NPs of size less than 10 nm act similar to a gas and can enter human tissues easily and may disrupt the cell normal biochemical environment.
Nanomaterials of different substances and their toxicity
NPs of metallic substances
Aluminum oxide
Aluminum-based NPs contribute 20% to all nano-sized chemicals. aluminum-based NPs are being used in many areas such as fuel cells, polymers, paints, coatings, textiles, biomaterials etc .
The aluminum oxide NPs, at concentrations of 10, 50,100, 200, and 400 µg/mL possess no significant toxic effect on viability of mammalian cells. Balasubramanyam et al have reported that aluminum oxide NPs (30-40 nm) possess dose-dependent genotoxic properties. They assessed genotoxicity with comet assay and micronucleus test using rat blood cells. The result of another study using mouse lymphoma cells line also suggest that aluminum oxide NPs (
Dear Dr Kadhim
It is an interesting presentation. The researchers should aware of the toxcity of the nanoparticles.
Dear Jumaa Salman Chiad! Thank you for rising this wery important question! I agee with Muhsin Jweeg! The researchers should be aware of nanoparticles toxicity.
Thank you Dr. Muhsn,Dr. Kahdim ,V. B. Zaytsev,and Omer for your answers
The U.S. NIH NLM has a selected topics webpage on "Nanotechnology. Health Information Sources." It includes the following sections of content: a) Overview, b) Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for the Public, c) Nanotechnology in Medicine, d) Nanotechnology in the Workplace, e) Environmental and Safety Concerns, f) Databases and Maps, g) Research, h) Institutes and Organizations, i) Law, Regulations and Policy, j) Glossaries, Educational Material, k) Blogs, News, Podcasts, and Videos, l) Topic-related Searches of National Library of Medicine Resources, m) Información en Español, n) Selection Guidelines, and o) Disclaimer. If interested, please see:
I think the main risk is how to protect self from the toxicity of the nanoparticles in laboratory.
Whatever we are developing by nanoparticle or filler should be retrieved.
Avoiding the dangers of nanoparticles from toxic and ordinary substances involves caution in dealing with them in four stages of their existence: preparation (synthesis), storage, usage and after the production of nanomaterials. I think attention and caution in the post-production phase are the most important because it relates to the end user. The techniques available for protection are several, including the most related to breathing and touch.
It is very important issue we must take in consideration. We must take an advise from the experts in this field.
Dear Dr Muhannad
The information concerning the dealing with nano materials should be followed strictly , clean room , industrial an in the lab and follows the safety procedure of avoiding smelling gases. Best regards
Dr Muhsin
I think it is better to contact Dr Muhannad from Kufa University. Best regards
Sajad Ghoreishi, you might want to look at NIH NLM's ToxTutor resource ( ) for at least a partial answer to your "What are hazardous or dangerous chemicals of concern" question. For example, ToxTutor's subsections on "Toxic Agents," "Toxic Substances," and "Systemic Toxicants and Organ Toxicants" ( ) might be of interest.
For example, an organism's response to a particular nanomaterial may be related to the mass of the administered dose, or it may be related to other factors, including the number of particles, shape, electrical charge, and coating, or a combination of physiochemical characteristics
While mask protection is essential when working with dry nanoparticles because of toxic effects in the lung and digestive tract, I was surprised at the growing evidence that nanocopper and nano manganese dixide can accumulate in the offactory bulb of the brain via transport from the nasal cavity. See:
Liu, et al. "Potential Health Impact on Mice After Nasal Instillation of Nano-Sized Copper Particles and Their Translocation in Mice", J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnololgy, Vol.9,1–9,2009.
Feikert, et al.,Toxicologist, 78,435(2004).
Considering that we are literally bathed in nanoparticles in air, food and water, we are filled with a myriad of nanomaterials, whose toxic effects will be difficult to sort out.
Thanks Dr Robert and the advice of the methods used in dealing with nano particles
From all the collected information regarding Nano materials The researchers could deal with taking into considerations the precautions mentioned and the space should be prepared well with all the safety requirements. Best wishes for all
Dr Jumaa what is your recommendation in this respect (using nano materials in Lab with precautions)?
Regarding studies that were conducted using Clemente magnetic targeted beads; first of all studies have used different lectins. What we have found is that a significant positive trend anova: p < 0.001 towards a higher % of capacitated sperm. With one lectin vs. another, lectin, a higher % of capacitated sperm and acrosome intact sperm p< 0.001. These tests were performed using the CTC stain. Regarding the DNA fragmentation, analysis by Tunel shows a dose dependent decrease in fragmented DNA with different lectins. Some labs report a 70-90% reduction.
More than 400 individual semen purifications for IVF treatments have occurred by a 3rd party fertility clinic in the USA with 80 % fertility rate. In summary, the Nano particle NP technology simultaneously depletes apoptotic sperm, damaged acrosomes, depletes DNA fragmented sperm and increases hyper activation and reduces ROS, thereby improving fertility rates. The following link contains data from another study confirming high quality blastocysts and reduced fragmented DNA. Please let us know if you are interested in the technology to improve fertility.
Henry Clemente [email protected]
Dear Dr,Muhsin ,
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
1. Basic PPE and Hygiene
• Safety glasses and lab coat or coverall are required while handling NMs.
• Nonwoven coverall (such as Tyvek suits) are recommended to protect the skin while handling animals and during the wet chemical synthesis of NMs.
• Wash hands after handling NMs to prevent accidental ingestion.
• Eating, drinking or chewing is not allowed in laboratories.
2. Gloves
•Irrespective of the matrices used, nitrile or better rated gloves should be worn while handling NMs, nanoparticles and nanostructured materials and their agglomerates or aggregates.
•Replace the gloves as frequently as needed. Double gloves are strongly recommended while working with concentrated solutions.
• Inspect the gloves for perforation, etc. before use and prevent needle stick related skin punctures from injectable solutions.
3. Respirator
• Whenever dry NM is handled outside the fume hood, a dust mask (N95 dust mask or better) should be worn and researchers may require fit testing for dust masks.
• If the use of a dust mask or elastomeric/rubber mask is required, then a detailed
hazard assessment and medical evaluation must be completed prior to respirator
• A copy of the hazard assessment along with the written SOP must be submitted to EHS for review. A blank NM hazard assessment form can be obtained from your EHS safety advisor or downloaded from EHS website (Appendix B).
• EHS will recommend a particulate filtering elastomeric half face piece respirator or full face piece respirator under the “required respirator use” program, only after reviewing the hazard assessment data.
• When handling NMs within a fume hood or an enclosure hood, an N95 dust mask can be worn as extra protection on a voluntary basis.
Dear Jumaa Salman Chiad
Have a look at this file developed by The UK NanoSafety Partnership Group. Hope be useful.
Thanks Dr Mohammad Mehdizaeh For the important instructions to be followed in working with nanomaterials. Best regards
Thanks Dr Mohsin for the link of how you deal with risks of nanmaterials
In my opinion, prevention is the best remedy. A chemical is on principle dangerous whatever its nature and quantity and the exposed person (woman or man, ..). The majority of cancers are related to these chemicals.
automatically, we must know our workplace, all the chemicals found in the work environment and then protect themselves effectively (information, training, awareness, protection, etc.).
Thank you
For those who are following this question I strongly recommend this Free Access article from Rice University and others. Sounds like an interesting Challenge.
In response to your question, please download for free the considered book chapter via the following link:
I wish you interesting reading!