How to write ideal gas equation of state (EOS) in autodyn using fortran?

I modified the Autodyn user subroutine mdeos_user_1.f90, wrote a custom ideal state equation. Ea0 (E0) is treated as a constant, 2.068 × 105Kj/kg, and the simulation is still more consistent with the no user subroutines results. My code is as follows,


ARHO = (1.4_real8-ONE) * E0 * DEN


DADETA = ((1.4_real8 - ONE)* E0)/ RHOREF



(1) Properties of Air

The air and TNT gas product media were assumed to behave as an ideal gas, thus the default Equations of state (1) were specified. The air was specified with an internal energy of 2.068 × 105Kj/kg in AUTODYN 2D.


where, ‘ρ’ is the density of gas, ‘cv’ and ‘cp’ are specific heats at constant volume and pressure, respectively; ‘T’ is the gas temperature, ‘P’ is the pressure, ‘γ’ is the ratio of specific heats and ′Ea0′ is the specific energy. The air model was taken from AUTODYN 2D material library as shown in Table 2.

Reference:Numerical Simulations of Exposed Circular Surface of Rolled

Homogeneous Armor Steel Plates Subjected to Blast Loadings by Using AUTODYN 2D



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