I think you might need to rephrase the question for better understanding. On a general note, classifiers (be it SVM or any other) works on your dataset. So, the first thing would be to get your News dataset (assuming you are referring to News data) well formatted. Then SVM or any other applicable classifier can then be used to extract patterns from the respective classes in the dataset.
#First Data has to be converted into operable form
if the news item is still in a string/text form or some form of categorical data; you have to convert these to numerical value
#identify some number of relevant features you can extract from your news item and for each news item, if that feature is present you can give it a value of 1 else 0 or even in between
#Create classes( in this case its either IT recruitment [1] or not [0]; ie, binary)
#each observation or sample (ie. each row vector) should be assigned corresponding classes base on the results of the combination of those features.
You know which features need to be present for it to be IT recruitment, so decide on it
#All we have done so far is to convert data into appropriate form for training
#SVM depends on three major parameters
1. kernel[ either 'rbf' or 'linear']
2.gamma: can take various values eg 0.01, 0.10, 0.001
3. C: C determines the position of your decision line; if its too big leads to overfitting .
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
Y=response data[made up of classes for each row or sample or observation)
There a couple of solutions, which would really reflect your problem in solving, but is;t your question is a little hard to understand, my suggestion, that sklearn lib of python, resources much have to offer in this regards..