Has anyone used Walz Imaging-PAM MAXI on microphytobenthos (MPB)?
I am using the Special SP-Routine on a petri dish of raw sediment sample, and I see patches of fluorescence, the most intense ones coming from large(er) gravels. As I increase the ML intensity, I see more fluorescence in previously black spaces, and I am not sure if those are from gravels too, or from MPB.
1) How do you define your AOI? Do you draw a polygon over a random fluorescent patch, taking care not to include any black part?
2) How do you distinguish fluorescence from gravels vs those from MPB?
3) Do you pre-treat your sample before viewing it with the Imaging-PAM?
4) Is there any setting that is crucial for this work that I need to pay attention to?
Thank you so much in advance!