Attached gives a fairly comprehensive picture of sea level rise predictions that also apply to northern Germany.
GIS and a pertinent geodatabase (lidar-derived DEM at the cm level; various land use maps) would be useful to locate predicted impacts on selected land uses.
Probabilistic (simulation) model can be generated based on a given input (set of data as your expectation). which can be useful for future prediction. say for example if x volume of ice melted then y will be the possible sea level (rise); or if global atmospheric temperature increases m degree then what are the possible threats (e.g., increase of area under arid, semiarid condition). There are similar kind of model using GIS already published and freely available in the internet.
The use of GIS for the creation of flooding scnarios is a suitable tool for testing adaptation strategies principally of a large scale. We practized it for the strategies retreat and accomodation in the western part of Lower Saxony. It delivered useful results though the accuracy of the anticipated sea-levels is very limited. But for the test of adaption strategies on a level of real world cases the approach is totally unsufficient. Please look at:
calculating resilience indecators is a not commen task. Depenfing on the accuracy that you need, relative indicators based on CVI methodologies might be a good choice, since you would have a lot of freedom in the statistical analysis that you will need to build the indicators.
If you need a high accuracy and data for each cell of a DEM, you will need to integrate many varaibles. I think that Jim Titus has published something about it, modelling the shore protection.
Article El uso de las TIG para el cálculo del indice de vulnerabilid...
In the below link there is some information about the application of WebGIS tools for visualizing coastal flooding vulnerability. It is specific of New Jersey coast but maybe it can help you to get some inspiring idea about what you are looking for: