20 March 2017 5 4K Report

Hello all,

In a clinical trial, a subject is assigned to the new intervention group. The device is a topical cream. During the application, something goes wrong, and the doctor decides to stop using it (for example, the wound appears to be too big), and to use standard of care instead (for example, sutures). Since the cream touched the body, this subject has to be included in the safety analysis set. What about the efficacy set? The treatment wasn't completed, for reasons not related to the treatment itself. Should this subject be treated as a missing value? What if the failure is related to the application of the specific treatment ? Still, there was a problem and a SOC was used instead (the cream wasn't applied). Can it be used as missing value? It feels unjustified to label it as failure, we don't know it failed, it will never applied.

Thank you in advance.

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