Listening is a particular language area with a particular nature. It includes a broad range of skills ranging from phonemic identification, word recognition, short term memory processing, and long term memory retention. However, the application of transcription technique , changing what they hear into printed words and compare it with the original script, can be very useful. Teachers should help learners to experience liberatory autonomy, setting directions themselves to strengthen academic autonomy- that is, the directions set by teachers.
Listening is a particular language area with a particular nature. It includes a broad range of skills ranging from phonemic identification, word recognition, short term memory processing, and long term memory retention. However, the application of transcription technique , changing what they hear into printed words and compare it with the original script, can be very useful. Teachers should help learners to experience liberatory autonomy, setting directions themselves to strengthen academic autonomy- that is, the directions set by teachers.
In theory, listening can be divided into three levels, Level 1: Empathetic level - listeners refrain from judging the talker and place themselves in the other's positions, attempting to see things from his or her point of view. Level 2: Hearing words but not really listening - people stay at the surface of the communication and do not understand the dipper meaning of what is being said. Level 3: Listening in spurts - tuning in and tuning out, being somewhat aware of others, but mainly paying attention to oneself. (Madelyn Burley-Allen, 1995)
To up-graduated listening skills, you must practice. Listen to your favorite songs while reading the lyrics. - Listen to podcasts (about English or any topic you find interesting) - Watch movies or TV series with English subtitles first, and then without them.
Thank you for responding to my question. But how many times are adequate to repeat the recorded scripts during the listening exam? Some people claim that three times are needed, but others believe that two are sufficient.
One of my colleagues even suggested that one time is enough because it would match the international listening exams.
Teaching listening is similar to other major skills. Generally speaking, teachers involve their students in three main stages: before, while and after listening activities.
With regard to listening exams, we take into account two main aspects depending upon the students' proficiency in the target language, i.e. listening for general ideas and listening for specific details.
Listening is a voice transmission which becomes a part of our action related to our activities in the line with our study with our interest in various areas just as music , even listening to the conservation of important knowledge performance of our action & a good habit of listening in very silent manner may help us to contribute for our within to outside in the performance of our action .
In this line I consider listening of our interest in any areas may help us to carry out our action plan successfully .