Hi All,

My question is about modeling time series using LSTM (Long-Short-Term-Memory).

I have 18 response variables for which all of them are monthly time series for about 15 years, and I would like to try to model it with LSTM and forecast into the next year. And I also have a independent/predictor variable (exogenous signals) pool about 400 macro-economic signals.

For starters, about LSTM modeling for Time Series:

Do I need to difference the response sequences?

Do I need to difference/lag the independent/predictor sequences?

Do I need to de-trend/de-season the response sequences first?

Do I still need stationarity?

Do I need to do a structural break before modeling?

And since I'm new to LSTM model, are there any rule-of-thumb in terms of the setup of the LSTM? Like how many layers should I have and how should I set-up each layer?

And finally, in terms of evaluating the LSTM model, should I do a rolling-window back-testing? Like row the training window back one month at a time and hold-out 1 year data to do back testing? Is there anything LSTM-specific that I should evaluate/test?

Thank you so much for your help!

All the best,

Kathy G.

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