I want to make two step e-beam lithography process:

1) Expose and develop negative ma-N 2400 pattern firstly to make special relief, which should be embedded into the next layers.

2) Coat the sample with copolymer/PMMA bi-layer, expose it and remove the negative resist features through the open windows without affecting the copolymer/PMMA pattern.

I've learnt that ma-N 2400 can be removed also in strong base solutions, such as NaOH 4-10% (I have only KOH, maybe it is even better) - see http://nanolithography.gatech.edu/resists/processing_info_Micro_Resist.pdf - but I haven't checked yet that copolymer and PMMA will alive after that treatment.

Another issue could be partial dissolution (??) of the negative features in copolymer solvent (ethyl lactate).

I will be grateful for any advice and discussion!

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