Hello Everyone! Hope you all are safe.

I need a bit of help. I have a Landsat ETM (metadata says ETM instead of ETM+) image that I need to classify using the Support Vector Machine classifier in ENVI. I FLAASH corrected the full scene and then created a subset of the study area using shapefile. In the subset image, there was a black background which I converted to 'No Data' using the 'Edit ENVI Header' tool. The image then had a clear background and the cursor value showed 'No Data' (see attached image). Then I created ROI's and classified the image using SVM but the final output showed background as one of the classes (right side image in the attached picture). I tried all the ways given here: https://www.l3harrisgeospatial.com/Support/Forums/aft/4920 and others as well but to no avail.

Also, the classified image has no spatial reference. If I tried to add it manually using 'Edit ENVI header' then it firstly said 'Missing Parameter' and then showed this error "Attempt to call undefined method IDLCFPROJECTION::ISRPC". I tried converting it to TIFF and opening it in ArcGIS but could not project it. I tried adding it manually using ArcCatalog, still, shapefile of the study area did not fit over the classified image. Probably there is some hidden error there. I could not find its solution on the internet. Please help.

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