let me begin by saying that you refer to what can only be described as a pre-print with poor formatting and layout, so use it with caution! Maybe you will find an updated version published somewhere.
As to your questions:
On page 38, it says they have used the 4-factor extraction method in Table 3.2, but they have not specified the software they have used. Therefore, this is also not very clear to me either. I tried to Google the term, but it didn't help much. Is there any other name for it, or am I relating it wrong?
--> the software seem to be Minitab (p. 35). They probably mean they decided to limit the number of factors to 4 after the screeplot had indicated a number between 3 and 5.
I cannot understand the part on page 33 where there is an example of Q13. I am unable to relate it to the questions in the attached questionnaire.
--> I cannot find it either. Like I said, poor formatting.
Also, it is unclear what the rows are for? If question 13 has 14 rows in Fig. 3.2, and if the values under 13a, 13b, and 13c are the number of respondents, what are the 14 rows representing?
--> Each row represents one respondent.
if the values under 13a, 13b, and 13c are the number of respondents, what are the 14 rows representing?
--> Why do you think those values represent respondents?