I have read a recent article titled "Characterizing extreme rainfalls and constructing confidence intervals for IDF curves using Scaling-GEV distribution model'.

I am having some difficulties in understanding the procedure to obtain the short duration rainfall from daily rainfall. Among the three proposed methods of obtaining short duration rainfall from daily rainfall, could someone please explain how to calculate the exponent (λβ) without knowing the short duration rainfall intensities. 

I was able to calculate X(t) from daily rainfall intensities using the L-moment theorem proposed by Hosking (1990). But I could not calculate X(λt) for short duration rainfall because I don't know how to calculate the exponent  (λβ) without knowing the rainfall intensities of short duration rainfall. Could someone please enlighten me in this regard. 

I am having difficulties in understanding this statement from the paper "The exponent is computed based on the scaling properties of the NCMs of extreme rainfalls for various durations".

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