Does anyone know a technique to measure the 'interbeat interval' in human patients as easy as possible? Is an ECG needed or is it possible to measure the interbeat interval only by heart rate measurement and appropriate editing/analysis of the data?
For a really exact measure of the RR interval I understand that ECG derived data is the most relying data. But do you have experience how exact a commercially available (one electrode) heart rate monitor (and thus the normal heart rate) can be used to calculate the RR interval?
Or differently asked... the formula above only needs the HR so is there a difference between the RR interval calculation via ECG signal vs. signal from a heart rate monitor?
Dear Nils, as Stefano says, RR interval measure by ECG is the most accurate method to calculate the interbeat interval. However, you can get an easy way to calculate it with a pulse oximeter. It gives to you an accurate heart rate and with the formula given by Stefano (60/HR) you can obtain the RR interval duration. Pay attention in patients with atrial fibrilation or othesr supraventricular tachycardias, heart rate (and therefore RR interval) may be very changeable and the measurement done by pulse oximeter wouldn't be as exact as in a patient in sinus rythm.
You can use a cardiofrequencimeter that calculate RRinterval (Polar RS800CX). In my laboratory, we started recently projetcts with this equipment. Our first publication about is near...