Morning colleagues!

We work on the analysis of the perception of cases by multicultural groups of students. I usually provide cases similar to those in the book by Grant & Jordan "Foundations of strategy" (2014). We assume that cultural differences in a multicultural group of students have an impact on the perception of the same case. E.g. Harley Davidson case explains the core competence of the firm as using the American image of the "free spirit". How can we measure these differences?

We discovered two problems:

1. How to measure that the case is perceived differently? Which scales to use? What to focus on?

2. Which case to use? Harley Davidson case is good by maybe there are better options?

We would appreciate any thought on MEASUREMENT of differences (scales, measures, related papers, etc) and CASES (short and appropriate for a 10 minutes in-class-experiment).

All suggestions are welcome!



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