Teachers can use multiple methods to assess character development in their classrooms by selecting and combining different types of measures that suit their learning objectives, students' needs, and available resources⁴. For example, teachers can use:

- **Surveys or questionnaires** to measure students' self-reported character traits or skills at the beginning and end of a unit, course, or school year. Surveys can be standardized and objective measures that are easy to administer and score² .

- **Observations or behavioral measures** to monitor how students demonstrate character in their actions and interactions in the classroom or school environment. Observations can be subjective and interpretive measures that require clear criteria and training for raters.

- **Portfolio or performance assessments** to showcase students' character development through various products or tasks that they create or complete. Portfolios or performances can be authentic and creative measures that require clear rubrics and feedback for students² .

- **Interviews or focus groups** to elicit students' perspectives and experiences on character development. Interviews or focus groups can be qualitative and exploratory measures that require careful planning and analysis.

By using multiple methods, teachers can capture a more comprehensive and accurate picture of students' character growth over time and across different domains. Teachers can also involve students in the assessment process by asking them to self-assess, peer-assess, or co-create the assessment criteria or tools⁴. This can help students become more aware, reflective, and responsible for their own character development.


(1) Methods of assessment: An Introduction - Teaching and Learning. https://teaching.usask.ca/articles/methods-of-assessment.php.

(2) A Tool to Help Students Assess and Improve Their Character - Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/tool-help-students-assess-and-improve-their-character.

(3) 61 Effective Assessment Strategies for Teachers To Use. https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/assessment-strategies.

(4) How to Incorporate Character Development in the Classroom. https://www.northcentralcollege.edu/news/2022/03/10/how-incorporate-character-development-classroom.

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