For my thesis research, I dissolved PLA and PCL in chloroform: methanol (3:1), PMMA (350.000 MW, 13 wt%) in acetone, and collagen in acetate acid--and then, I mixed them together. The problem is when I tried to electrospinning with this solution, forming fibers always begins with the 'thick' one and then thin and then thick again and so on. Second problem is the fiber synthesis is uncontinuous. I use needle 21 G with electrospinning parameters 13 kV, flow rate 2 ml/h, and distance between collector and needle is 10 cm.

I have a plan for next trial to do these things:

a. Change acetone with ethylacetate (ethylacetate has higher boiling point than acetone)

b. Decrease the concentration.

Here, I attached some pictures and video about my electrospinning problems (as you can see, I circled the 'thick' part)

Is there any suggestions for me on how to make continous fiber synthesis uniformly? Thank you.

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