For ArcGIS users, if I'm creating a polygon from adjacent features, the polygon is not created unless the features are 100% adjacent. Is there a methodology to identify where is the gap location between them?
1. Select Customize > Toolbars > Data Reviewer from the main menu.
2. On the Data Reviewer toolbar, click the Select Data Check drop-down arrow, then click the plus symbol (+) next to Feature on Feature Checks, and finally select Polygon Overlap/Gap is Sliver Check.
Thanks Qamar Ul Islam for your answer. I tried to do as you mentioned but I can't find Data Reviewer under Toolbars from Customize menu!! I tried this on two different versions (10.1 and 10.5) and the only I can find is (Data Driven Pages) and (Data Frame Tools).
Try using check and repair the geometry tool to fix that. It might not be the best way but it can help and concerning the mentioned tool, I think it may need license for the data reviewer.
Thanks a lot Samar for answering me question. Unfortunately, the features are lines so the software has no problem with them as geometric features and they don't need to be repaired.
And regarding the Data Reviewer tool, I've a license from Esri but I still can't find it.