I have a special grid* (data.gri ) free format, the grid values are initiated with label of latitude (φ) and longitude (λ) limits and spacing, the follows the data are stored row-wise from north to south in grid

φ1 (min)        φ2 (max)       λ1 (min)      λ2 (max)      Δφ (space lat.)      Δλ (space long.)

dn1        dn2  ....................... dnm



d11       d12  ....................... d1m

The number of points in a grid file is thus

nn = (φ2-φ1)/Δφ + 1

ne = (λ2-λ1)/Δλ + 1

How can I limit a specific area, just a country (EGYPT), using the attached grid file, which is previously described, in order to have a topographic 3D map through MATLAB that looks like this one see attached

*The grid convert to GeoTIFF and text file [another format]

The attachment contained:

1-An example of the required output (image)

2-The grid in the special format (data.gri)

3- The grid in the GeoTIFF  format

4-The grid in text format ( latitude, longitude, and height)

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