I am new for Generic Mapping Tool (GMT), but I would like to work through a few simple examples of generating legends (ie. multiple points or lines plotted on a single figure using psxy). In the following example, I want a set the location of Legend in the southwest (Inside bottom-left of axes).

gmt psbasemap -R-108/-105/31/35 -JM6i -Ba0.5 -K -P> New_Mexico.ps

gmt pscoast -R -J -Df -Gwhite -O -K -P>> New_Mexico.ps

gmt psxy Data1.txt -R -J -Sc0.5c -Gblue -O -K -P >>New_Mexico.ps

gmt psxy Data2.txt -R -J -St0.5c -Gred -O -K -P>>New_Mexico.ps

gmt psxy Data3.txt -R -J -Ss0.5c -Ggreen -O -K -P>>New_Mexico.ps

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