Professional politician with extensive and high -level relations
A person who is literally committed to the law
Ignored to the spirit of that law.
A balanced person with wonderful ideas and future aspirations, but this person does not exist in all countries. (Because the above three are everywhere).
Certainly, public universities must be managed in a businesslike manner, but they are not businesses: their objective is not to seek profit for shareholders, and their enterprise is not focused on a narrow range of products and services. A successful university leader must grasp the unique quality of an institution where power emanates not from management but from the knowledge and authority of the professoriate, and where the purposes for which it exists are timeless rather than short-term.
The president of a university needs to be a strong leader in every sense of the word. This includes politics, business, and academic. The board and other administration should be behind the scenes supporting this leader to make the greatest impact.
* Experience shows that a good leader can be defeated by a coalition of bad committees/people. Committees members should be chosen in way that reflects the mission and vision of the university and have the capabilities to fulfill the plans.
* Total administrative and financial independence of the universities.
* Total avoidance of politics whenever possible. This is not easy in the Middle East.