These are the most recent papers dealing with soil yeasts and describing in details the cultivation procedure.
Please, note that the usefulness of media and supplements may vary depending on soil properties (also types) and aboveground vegetation. Please, feel free contacting me if you need any further help. There are too few scientists working with soil yeasts :)
Good luck!
Article Assessment of yeast diversity in soils under different manag...
Article Species Accumulation Curves and Incidence-Based Species Rich...
These are the most recent papers dealing with soil yeasts and describing in details the cultivation procedure.
Please, note that the usefulness of media and supplements may vary depending on soil properties (also types) and aboveground vegetation. Please, feel free contacting me if you need any further help. There are too few scientists working with soil yeasts :)
Good luck!
Article Assessment of yeast diversity in soils under different manag...
Article Species Accumulation Curves and Incidence-Based Species Rich...