11 November 2018 4 8K Report

I'm quite confused about using DESeq2 to find the differential abundant taxa in microbiome studies, especially when there are more than two groups of the factor. I know DESeq2 was initially used for RNA-seq to detect the regulation of gene expressions. It's easy to understand when there are only two groups, e.g. treated vs. untreated. We can easily say which taxa was up-regulated by looking at the log2fold change (positive or negative).

BUT what about when there are three groups, control vs. treat1 vs. treat2? The DESeq2 can still handle this situation, but then I have no idea how to interpret the log2fold change. If we detected some taxa that were significantly different, how can we know in which group these taxa were up-regulated?

Although some people suggest to do the pairwise comparison, it's still unclear to me how to do it and how to interpret it. Does anyone have very good recommendation or idea about this?

Thanks in advance.

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