I can't seem to find the full explanation on Log-log models (measuring elasticities).

Hypothetical model is: ln(Y) = B0 + B1 ln(X1) + B2 ln(X2 )

WithY = Wealth; X1 = Income; X2 = #money your wife spends 

Hypothetical outcome: ln(Y) = -7 + 3.7 ln(X1) - 0.85 ln(X2)

Now I understand that if X1 goes up by 1 percent my Y (= wealth) will go up by 3.7 percent.

  • But where do you add that 3.7 percent to? What's your starting point?
  • What is the interpretation of my intercept (-7)? 
  • Since this is all in percentages how do I calculate the absolute value?

Thanks for the help! 

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