I need to calculate the drag force and inertia force. How to input wave conditions into abaqus model, by adding command in the inp file, or do it in the model?
I use Airy wave theory to claculate the wave force on beam, but the theory results are bigger than results of Abaqus, How can this happen? beam diameter 0.1m,wave H=1.5m, 10m water depth
09 October 2016 4,304 1 View
Hi.I just get access to abaqus. Doing a small example case, a circular beam with both ends fixed, is subjected uniform load, I have tried many times, but the displacement is smaller than the...
01 January 1970 9,941 3 View
Hi, I am trying to construct a multi-layer fibril structure from a single layer in PyMol by translating the layer along the fibril axis. For now, I am able to use the Translate command in PyMol...
02 March 2021 4,569 4 View
Hello! I have a dataset of n=3000 nested within 8 countries with approximately 200 or 400 responses in each country. I originally planned to perform multilevel modelling with 4 dependent variables...
02 March 2021 6,865 1 View
I want to do a parameter study of a aixsymmetric cylinder in Abaqus. I want to create several jobs where I get the stresses for 3 different points in my model. These points are defined. I wrote a...
01 March 2021 10,078 1 View
I am working on roof joint and trying to simulate the behaviour in Abaqus. I am successful in running the model but the final graph does not follow the experimental curve in the negative direction...
01 March 2021 6,661 3 View
Hi In Molecular Dynamics Simulation, how do I make changes to the force field according to my protein? I got this error in the add-ion stage: Fatal error "./ amber99sb-ildn-HHH.ff / force...
01 March 2021 8,747 4 View
I need to model masonry and reinforced concrete minarets for my MSc thesis. Which one is easier and better at modeling slender masonry structures? ANSYS or ABAQUS? (Or any other program for just...
01 March 2021 736 3 View
Hello, I am writing a python script to generate my model and write the input file. The problem is I have 1000 elements in my mesh and I want to assign different material properties to each...
01 March 2021 9,511 3 View
Hi dear researchers I connected a rigid body into the part of my structure by tie constraint and then I added displacement to rigid body, in static general step every thing is fine and these two...
28 February 2021 3,442 2 View
I wanted to add an extra parameter to the existing Johnson cook equation in the ABAQUS simulation. How to add those extra parameters. Ref: A modified Johnson-Cook material model with strain...
28 February 2021 4,841 3 View
I am working on developing a micromechanical FE model for predicting kink-band formation in UD composites. To model matrix plasticity, which model, out of Concrete Damaged Plasticity and...
28 February 2021 5,415 1 View