26 August 2020 6 3K Report

I used Zetasizer Nano ZS to measure my polystyrene microparticles, and the data quality report suggests the zeta potential distribution is poor. I've checked the SFR spectral quality data, all of my 6 replicates for the same sample is below 1. In the technote, poor zeta potential distribution could originate from improper sample concentration, high conductivity samples, and less than enough sub runs. I've checked the derived count rate, which is 13,000-18,000 kcps with attenuator setting is 7. The sub run number is 22 for all samples. Since I saw blacking effect on the electrode after measurement, which suggests electrode degradation. Therefore, I suspect the conductivity is relatively high. However, the dispersant composition only includes 50mM Tris Buffer with some trehalose and glycerol. I'm not sure whether the monomodal will be required in this case and more sub runs will be helpful? Your answers will be highly appreciated.

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