There are students who are with inadequate knowledge about their field of study; is there any practices which may make them bright? Within the age group of 18-22.
That's hard to answer. One posibility is to catch their interest in the teached topic is to give them some connection to theier dayly life (home, used transportation, telecomunication equipment e.g.). Actual I plan to install an expirimental system based on Laptop and Arduino. With this system some of the basic principles may be realized and observed by own experiments. For example use a swiched Signal to load a capacitance via a resistor and observ and measure the time to 63% loading to determine T=R*C. Based on the teached topic this experiments have to be adapted. Hope this helps - but have in mind, you never catch them all!
Inspiration and enthusiasm can help motivate students to engage more. 18-22 years olds are at an impressionable age (plus they have a lot of other interests other than academic study). I think an interactive learning style suits this age group well, perhaps a constructivist learning approach? Good Luck.
When you talk about improving knowledge base of students, you have to consider incooperating different learning strategies, method and approaches. People learn in different ways and so you have find out the best tactic to take to improve students knowledge.
This age group loves multi-media techniques in teaching. Based on the course being taught, draw the teaching material from films, blogs, internet and printed material - including text books, newspapers, magazines. Visual aids, videos or animation will help the students learn fast, understand the concept and make them think. This would eventually lead to making them bright. I use multiple sources for teaching courses in Business Management. Even a below average student would be able to synchronize with the flow.