I have done western blots for several months with LNCaP (prostate cancer cells) cells and want to detect antibodies between 50-70kDa. My problem is that there is an unspecific band in each of my blots which appears after several seconds and is quite strong. Unfortunately this band often covers the bands that I want to detect which is really frustrating.

This is the protocol I am following:

1. I run the proteins (15µg/pocket) in SDS Page Gels which we produce by ourselves.

2. After that I transfer the proteins for 30mins to the membrane

3. 5min washing with TBST

4. 1h of blocking either with 5% milk or 5% BSA in TBST

5. Primary antibody (1:500-10.000) overnight at 4 degrees.

6. 3x5min washing with TBST

7. Secondary antibody (rabbit or mouse) 5µl with StrepTactin 2µg in 10ml TBST

8. 3xmin washing with TBST

9. Detection of the bands

Down below you can see some pictures of this unspecifc band. I would be really helpful for me to get rid of this unspecific band as it keeps me from detecting all my antibodies...

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