Dear All,
I have a set of 3D datapoints that looks similar to sphere. I converted this to stl format by using "MeshLab" software. I think the mesh is good to go with triangulated faces on the surface.
Now, I want this domain for internal heat flow transfer. For this purpose, I want to construct 3D mesh from BlockMesh and SnappyHexMesh. But when I gave the domain for blockmesh and executed snappyHexmesh, the blockmesh is not craving in the shape of the stl file, instead the block is also produced.
1. I have given the "locationInMesh" inside the stl file in snappyHexMesh.
2. The domain of the blockmesh is exactly the boundaries of the stl file. (xmax - 210, ymax = 165, zmax = 86.4).
3. I have attached the images and also the case file for reference.
4. All I want is only the stl file with 3D mesh for simulation.
I have attached two images for reference. One obtained from the meshlab and other from OpenFoam which is obtained after moving meshlab mesh to SnappyHexMesh. I have also attached the case for reference.
Case Attachment:
Any leads will be appreciated.
Sunag R A.