Hi, I have seen the word file . It is ok. The first one is without constant term but second one is multiplicative form. For SARIMA it is better to derive the model from the multiplicative form. The one you write there is also ok, but sometimes it lead to wrong form if you have higher order of AR or MA.
you can look this paper ''Forecasting wholesale price of coarse rice in Bangladesh: A seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average approach''.
Dear Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed Onour : Could you please also suggest that if an ARIMA model is coming with drift. e.g. ARIMA(2,1,2) with drift ; drift = 0.0016 then how can we factor in the drift within the equation ?
The first equation looks good. You only need to be aware of dangers of over fitting the second equation. In this case it is more of redundancy than cancellation. You can look into the number of lags of P, D, Q; especially Q.