Hi All,

I am trying to generate the 3D corneal surface from the Zernike Polynomials. I am using the following steps, can anyone please let me know whether they are accurate

Step 1: Converted the cartesian data (x, y, z) to polar data (rho, theta, z)

Step 2: Nomalised the rho values, so that they will be less than one

Step 3: Based on the order, calculated the Zernike polynomials (Zpoly), (for example: if the order is 6, the number of polynomials is 28 )

Step 4: Zfit = C1 * Z1 + C2 * Z2 + C3 * Z3 + ......... + C28 * Z28

Step 5: Using regression analysis, calculated the coefficient (C) values

Step 6: Calculated the error between the predicted value (Zfit) and the actual elevation value (Z)

Step 7: Finally, converted the polar data (rho, theta, Zfit) to Cartesian coordinates to get the approximated corneal surface

Thanks & Regards,


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