02 February 2020 0 2K Report

I have recently started learning about deblurring images using deconvolution. I have a stack of images (in .tif format) of size 873 MB (1392 x 1040) and a total of 301 images in a single .tif stack which I want to deconvolve. I do not have the PSF but I have the following details:

  • Numerical Aperture: 0.3
  • Refractive Index: 1.00
  • Emission Wavelength: 620 nm
  • Specimen Thickness: 3
  • I need to generate a PSF and then deconvolve the image. I have tried PSF Generator but I don't know why it just stops showing me the image even after running it. I have also tried deconvolutionLab2 but it gets stuck probably because the image is too big.

    Please tell me what I can do for an efficient way of deconvolving the image and also generating the PSF.

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