Dear colleagues,

I face the following issue when I try to import the ASTER GDEM data (ascii format) in the Flow-R environment (

14:44:02: Error: ƒGƒ‰[: ones

14:44:02: Error: ƒTƒCƒY‚Ì“ü—͂͐®”‚Å‚È‚¯‚ê‚΂Ȃè‚Ü‚¹‚ñB

14:44:02: Error: ƒGƒ‰[: DataStudyAreaSelection (line 153)

14:44:02: Error: ƒGƒ‰[: GuiData>studyarea_Callback (line 82)

14:44:02: Error: ƒGƒ‰[: gui_mainfcn (line 96)

14:44:02: Error: ƒGƒ‰[: GuiData (line 20)

14:44:02: Error: ƒGƒ‰[: @(hObject,eventdata)GuiData('studyarea_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

14:44:02: Error: Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

My ASTER GDEM data with the heading is shown below:

ncols 333

nrows 333

xllcorner 98.3417454074

yllcorner 3.1204627302

cellsize 0.00029999999999999

nodata_value -9999.0

1780.882 (data) ......

I would like to generate the susceptibilty map for Mount Sinabung, Indonesia. Attached file is the ASTER GDEM data (ascii format) of my study area.

Can anyone help me? Any technical assistance is appreciated.

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