Ok, I want to annotate multiple images ROIs but I want the oval selection to be exactly the same diameter so I can get objective SNR and CNR ratios, anyhelp how to make the selection uniform across all images?
you can easily restore the selection from one image to another by using the "restore selection"-function in ImageJ (Edit/Selection/Restore Selection). Is that what you had in mind? If the images are aligned, it will be at the exact same coordinates; if they are not aligned, you will still get the exact same size of the ROI. If you are using the same diameter ROI on all your data, you can also simply use a macro that creates a oval selection for you which will also always have the same diameter (by using makeOval(x, y, width, height) )
Thank you for your kind answer, I actually tried your first option (restore selection) but everytime I select ROI then click analyze , the resulted area is different :(
I want to try the macro thing-- could you please explain when I can find the makeOval option? I couldn't find it
Johannes Gerb is right. Restore Selection should do this - Ctrl+Shift+E. If the ROI is indeed the same size, it's impossible the area will be different because area is insensitive to the contents of the ROI.
To use the command option, go to Plugins->New->Macro. Type the syntax Johannes listed, then hit Run.