For example, if you want to find the current trends in electronic communications, one good source is to read the IEEE Communications Society journal, and/or IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. You'll get an idea of current research and of what is generally viewed as credible by that community.
Another avenue is to subscribe to a list that announces conferences in various disciplines. It's astounding how many conferences are held, all over the world, all of the time. The announcements ask for papers to be submitted, and give a list of topics of interest. That also gives you an idea of where the wind is blowing, so to speak. One such is:
Discipline can be specified with the different range of mood,temperament ,psychic effect & negative environment of social surroundings .In this line current dominant theory to review & examine for finding the resulting unity .
For dominant theory it is first to view observe & find out the psychic behavior of the disciplinary roll of the effective situation .Psychic tech in very general sense can become more productive for taking necessary action by changing the atmosphere & to make the environment calm & quite under the effective result .