15 February 2020 1 1K Report

Dear All

Firstly, I saw that probability density function is used in meteorology for comparison. For example, if I have two time series of same meteorological parameter from two different sources. Is it only used to justify how comparable the two data sets are? Is there any other scientific reason?

Secondly, how to do that?

Please have a look at the attached figure. I also attached a txt file containing bias. How to generate the figure like "Figure.png" using the data from "bias1.txt"? The figure seems to me that it is generated using NCL. I tried to follow the NCL guide ("pdfx") like the following script:


a = addfile("new.nc","r")

ts = a->ts

opt = True

opt@bin_spacing = 0.2

max_ws = max(ts)

min_ws= min(ts)

nbins = floattointeger(((max_ws - min_ws)/0.2)+1)

ap = pdfx(ts,nbins,opt)


wks = gsn_open_wks ("png","pdf")

res = False

plot = gsn_csm_xy (wks, ap@bin_center, ap, res)


But I am getting a figure having many spikes not as smooth curve (normal curve) like the "Figure.png". How to proceed?

Any sort of suggestion/help will be highly appreciated. Please reply.



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