Those so called journal finders are not particularly useful if you ever tried them. The elsevier journal finder contains only journal for elsevier, so does the springer etc. The problem is the same for edanzediting journal finder.

If you are working with a professor such issue is never a problem for you. Your colleague will find it for you. But if you are working along, and in particular if you are creating something highly originally you won't know where to submit your paper, not mentioning whether is it the best place.

Recently, I submitted a series of three papers. I only want them to be published anywhere. I don't mind whether is it a SCI journal or its impact factor, as long as it is free of publication charge (since I have no funding). Eventually these three papers all got published on SCI journals after trying for more than 100 journals. I know of only about a dozen of journals. Therefore I tried very hard to google by any term I can think of. However, I still have many other papers with bizarre idea, which find no where to submit. Many journals simply reject them without even sending to referee. Some honest editors replied saying they cannot find a referee....

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